Kamis, 26 Juni 2008

0 Britney Spears

Last week, the big Britney Spears news was that she went to the gym because she’s on some kind of big comeback thingy. Now I know a lot of you think it’ll never happen, but I never considered her to be down and out. Mentally yes, but her popularity has always made her the biggest thing in showbiz, crazy or not. So what is she really coming back from? Anyway, here she is looking presentable and somewhat hot in jeans with a little bonus panty action. So I guess this is another step in the right direction towards the media’s make-believe comeback.

Here’s Britney Spears showing off her beach body in a bikini in Costa Rica. For a mother of two, I had to admit Britney looks… awful. OK, I know she had two kids and I should cut her some slack, but the kids aren’t mine so I don’t care. Girl needs to cover up. Anyway, I guess the Britney Spears hotness comeback is going to have to be put on hold for a little bit longer.

You all know that music is my first love. I was a musician long before I was a Pulitzer Prize winning tits and ass writer. And every so often I’ll hear something so remarkable that I feel the need to share with you. Today that comes in the form of a Britney Spears and Heidi Montag duet. Yes, you heard me right! A duet! And it’s brilliantly bad. So bad, it’s borderline genius! That’s what happens when you put together two nutjobs! Anyway, I look forward to seeing the video, because if Heidi’s last music video was any indication, this one is going to be hot!

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