Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

0 Keeley Hazell

Here’s Keeley Hazell at another award event once again not revealing all that much. She’s becoming like a bad hot girlfriend who you want to dress up like a slut to show off to your friends, but she’s only willing to do so in the privacy of your bedroom. Anyway, I don’t know where I’m going with this but it’s the first thing that came to my mind while I was looking at these pictures. I guess what I’m getting at is that this is a waste of time, and we only have Keeley to thank for that.
Here’s the hottest girl in the planet, Keeley Hazell, at the UK Sex In The City premiere wearing a dress and not topless or even in a bikini. Who does she think she is? Anyway, sorry to have wasted your time. Let’s move along. Well, it’s Keeley Hazell overload here on Hollywood Tuna. I hope you guys don’t mind, because the girl is by far the hottest thing to ever walk the planet. Here is a little video I found of Keeley talking about how being a glamour model is hard work, long hours and blah blah blah. Cry me a river! I still love her though. Anyway, you will probably see this on “someone else’s” site shortly because he is too lazy to research stuff on his own but hey, you’re welcome.

As if Friday’s Keeley Hazell pictures weren’t enough, FHM decided to add a few more pictures for our viewing pleasure. If I were them, I’d just change FHM to the Keeley Hazell Fan Club, because you can never get enough of her sweet goodness.
Here is an outtake from Keeley Hazell’s 2008 calendar. I know it’s only one picture, but it’s one hell of a picture. I mean, look at that swimsuit, it’s hanging on for dear life! Poor thing. Imagine the abuse Keeley’s clothes take on a daily basis. Girl should be banned from wearing any at all. Who’s with me on that?

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